substract multi year seasonal time series (yseassub)????
Added by Byman Hamududu over 13 years ago
I was wondering if there is a function similar to the subtract multi year monthly time series (ymonsub) for the seasonal differences.... I am computing the differences in climate over a region between the periods 1960 -1990 and 2041 -2069. I already did this on monthly time step but was not able to find the equilvalent function for seasons .... Did i miss it ???? yseassub. . The command on monthly time step looks like this (uses maskregion, seldate, ymeanmon, ymonsub)
cdo ymonsub -ymonmean -seldate,2041-01-0100:00:00[,2069-12-0100:00:00] -maskregion,cat.dat -ymonmean -seldate,1960-01-0100:00:00[,1999-12-0100:00:00] D:/Climate/africa_project/zambia/zambezi_basin/delta/"
It works well on monthly time step....
Replies (2)
RE: substract multi year seasonal time series (yseassub)???? - Added by Patrick Brockmann almost 11 years ago
Hi all,
Any news about the missing operator yseassub ?
RE: substract multi year seasonal time series (yseassub)???? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 10 years ago
The operator yseassub will be available in the next CDO release.