


Working with RCM outputs in different grids

Added by Sanita Dhaubanjar over 6 years ago

I am looking to compare long term annual trends for my study region in multiple RCM outputs. But my RCMs are all in different grid formats. Is it better to first remapnn all the RCMs to one grid and then apply the yearstat, timstat, fldstat operators to evaluate long term regional averages? Or is it better to do the remapnn and fldstat after I have a .nc file with the timstat and yearstat of my interest? Does it make a big difference?

Replies (2)

RE: Working with RCM outputs in different grids - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 6 years ago

Hi Sanita,

if you want to compare the RCMs correctly you should remap them first and then do the same calculations on the same grid.
Does it make a big difference? That depends on the different grids.


RE: Working with RCM outputs in different grids - Added by Sanita Dhaubanjar over 6 years ago

Hi Karin,

I am working with RCMs from Cordex-South Asia. Except one, all are in rotated grid mapping (specifically rotated_mercator, rotated_pole and rotated_latitude_longitude) at 44 deg. I did a test run with one of the RCMs and there was no difference in outputs I got doing remapnn first or last. But perhaps this is not correct for all the RCMs I am working with. I will do as you suggest and remapnn all the RCMs to the regular grid before doing the statistics.

