


cdo remapbil Warning (cdfScanVarAttributes) : Inconsistent data type for attribute time:valid_range, ignored!

Added by Artie Yin over 6 years ago


I have been trying to remap a data set by using remapbil. I saw that similar question has already been posted many times, and sorry for being repetitive, but I can't see the problem with my file.
I am using mygrid to get the new resolution:
cat > mygrid << EOF
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 360
ysize = 180
xfirst = -179.5
xinc = 1
yfirst = -89.5
yinc = 1

and cdo remapbil to remap my netcdf file:
cdo remapbil,mygrid

The error information shows:
Warning (cdfScanVarAttributes) : Inconsistent data type for attribute time:valid_range, ignored!

My file is a multi-variable files with lat,lon,time and other variables.
For example: total precipitation:

Variable "PRECTOT"

float PRECTOT;
:long_name = "total_precipitation";
:units = "kg m-2 s-1";
:_FillValue = 9.9999999E14f; // float
:missing_value = 9.9999999E14f; // float
:fmissing_value = 9.9999999E14f; // float
:vmax = 9.9999999E14f; // float
:vmin = -9.9999999E14f; // float
:valid_range = -9.9999999E14f, 9.9999999E14f; // float
:_ChunkSizes = 1, 91, 144; // int

and time:
Variable "time"

int time(time=372);
:long_name = "time";
:units = "minutes since 1980-01-01 00:30:00";
:time_increment = 60000; // int
:begin_date = 19800101; // int
:begin_time = 3000; // int
:vmax = 9.9999999E14f; // float
:vmin = -9.9999999E14f; // float
:valid_range = -9.9999999E14f, 9.9999999E14f; // float
:_ChunkSizes = 1; // int

After running the remapbil code, I cannot get the remapped variables for each 372 time steps (only get the remapped file for the first time step) and also the warning information.....

I'd really appreciate any help.

Many thanks in advance!

