calculate the 90th percentile
Added by Alioune MBAYE almost 8 years ago
Please, I have a netcdf file whose years vary from 1950 to 2005 and I wanted to calculate the 90th percentile for each year. Help me please
Replies (3)
RE: calculate the 90th percentile - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 8 years ago
Hi Alioune,
you can do
cdo yearpctl,90 infile -yearmin infile -yearmax infile outfile
In the CDO documentation you can search after 'yearly percentile' and it gives you the example which you are looking for 'YEARPCTL - Yearly percentile values' (e.g. page 115 in cdo-v1.8.0.pdf).
RE: calculate the 90th percentile - Added by Alioune MBAYE almost 8 years ago
Thank you for your help I tried but it returns me the following error:
mbayealioune@mbayealioune-VPCCW2S1E:~/Bureau/DATA CMIP5/PRECIP/0.5x0.5/MPI-ESM-LR/rcp85$ cdo yearpctl,90 -yearmin -yearmax
cdo yearpctl: Started child process "yearmin (pipe1.1)".
cdo yearpctl: Started child process "yearmax (pipe1.2)".
cdf_get_vara_float : ncid = 131072 varid = 4
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)
Can you help me to resolve it please!
RE: calculate the 90th percentile - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 8 years ago
You forgot to mention that you use seasonal data which means that you have to use the seaspctl operator instead of yearpctl.