


CDO lastest versions dont run for netCDF4-classic

Added by David Molina over 7 years ago


My problem is the following; I try to run CDO in my PC, I have windows 7 (64 bits) and I had no problem with the instalation of CDO (placing the cdo.exe and pthreadGC2.dll files in the proper folder) and I can work with no roblems with old netCDF files but when I try to work with netCDF4 files I get the message "unsupported file structure", this happens with the CDO version 1.7.1 and any other previous version. On the other hand when I try to work with the last version of CDO (1.7.2) it doesnt run, its like it doesnt recognize it.
So my only goal is to be able to work with netCDF4-classic files in my windows environment. how can I? somebody knows?

Thanks a lot