


problem using cdo operators with lcc grid

Added by George Loriot about 8 years ago

Is there a way to use a cdo operators with lcc gridded data? I have grib2 files containing wrf diagnostic data on lcc grids. The file data displays in idv with no problem, but any attempt to use cdo to process the data (ensmean, add, even copy) fails. The cdo process fails with the error

Warning (gribapiScanTimestep1) : Record 15 (name=10si id=1.2.0 lev1=10 lev2=0) timestep 1: Inconsistent verification time!
gribapiGetTsteptype : Time stepType multiple steps unsupported, set to instant!
stream_gribapi.c at line 1674: my_grib_set_long(gh, "indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange", unitsOfTime) failed: Key/value not found

Each file contains just one forecast time, so I assume that accounts for the warning, but the reultant output file only contains the first part of the data from the input file. I assume that's where the process failed. Is all of thie the result of the lcc grid? Is there some workaround? I'm new to cdo but I do like all the operators and would really like to be able to cast my data into something which can be read by cdo. I'm using cdo 1.6.9 and I believe I compiled it with grib2 support.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

George Loriot
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Lyndon State College
Lyndonville, VT