remapcon of Euro-Cordex output
Added by Beata Szabo-Takacs almost 9 years ago
Dear All,
I would like to remap my Euro-Cordex E-11 model output to E-OBS one.
The target grid is E-OBS grid which is 0.25 regular grid. Here is the
description according to sinfo
Grid coordinates :
1 : lonlat : points=93264 (464x201)
lon : -40.375 to 75.375 by 0.25 degrees_east
lat : 25.375 to 75.375 by 0.25 degrees_north
Vertical coordinates :
1 : surface : levels=1
The griddes operator gives:
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 93264
xname = lon
xlongname = longitude
xunits = degrees_east
yname = lat
ylongname = latitude
yunits = degrees_north
xsize = 464
ysize = 201
xfirst = -40.375
xinc = 0.25
yfirst = 25.375
yinc = 0.25
Remapcon need the coordinates of all grid cell corners for the source and
the target grid. The EURO-CORDEX netCDFs do not contain grid cell corner
information. Here is the description about CM5A-CNRM-RCA4:
Grid coordinates :
1 : curvilinear : points=174688 (424x412)
lon : -44.5939 to 64.9644 degrees_east
lat : 21.9878 to 72.585 degrees_north
Vertical coordinates :
1 : surface : levels=1
The griddes gives only the grid point values.
I tried to solve this matter with the following way:
cat > mygrid2 << EOF
gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 424
ysize = 412
xfirst = -44.5939
xinc = 0.11
yfirst = 21.9878
yinc = 0.11
cdo remapcon, -setgrid,mygrid2
Although I do not get error message, but I am not sure that this solution is correct. Could someone suggest me a correct way?
Replies (3)
RE: remapcon of Euro-Cordex output - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 9 years ago
If the CM5A-CNRM-RCA4 grid is regular, you can expect correct results (bounds and areas are computed automatically). But you just wrote, that it is curvilinear. So I only guess. It would help, if you upload the real target grid.
RE: remapcon of Euro-Cordex output - Added by Beata Szabo-Takacs almost 9 years ago
Dear Ralf,
Thank you for your response! Meantime I could solve this issue. CM5A-CNRM-RCA4 output does not have information about grid cell corners. But I have another model output, CNRM-CM5-CCLM4.8.17 which has same grid than CM5A-CNRM-RCA4 and the grid cell corner is also available in that file. So I set the grid of CM5A-CNRM-RCA4 to CNRM-CM5-CCLM4.8.17 by:
cdo setgrid,
After that I could use remapcon
operator with
RE: remapcon of Euro-Cordex output - Added by Hassan Sheidaee over 6 years ago
Hi guys
Extract data from CORDEX NetCDF files is very difficult. I used this tool is very wonderful and simple.
Watch this video:
I attached the help file.
I hope it be useful.
Good Luck