


Interpolate/extrapolate variables over land

Added by José Veiga over 10 years ago

Dear all,

in attach follows a figure showing a geopotential field over the globe. Note that over land there is no defined values. However I need values over the land. Thus, is there a function in CDO that interpolate (or extrapolate) variables to produce a field with continuos values over all domain and levels?

I really appreciate if some one could help me with this.

Kind regards,

José Augusto

hgt.png (36.5 KB) hgt.png Geopotential field

Replies (2)

RE: Interpolate/extrapolate variables over land - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

The undocumented CDO operator fillmiss fills missing values by a bilinear interpolation of the next east/west/north/south value.

RE: Interpolate/extrapolate variables over land - Added by José Veiga over 10 years ago

Dear Uwe Schulzweida,

It worked! Thank you very much. I tried:

cdo fillmiss orig_file.grb final_file.grb

Kind regards,

Uwe Schulzweida wrote:

The undocumented CDO operator fillmiss fills missing values by a bilinear interpolation of the next east/west/north/south value.
