


convert Pa to hPa

Added by ch ch01 almost 10 years ago

Dear CDO developers,

is there any tricky way to convert the pressure level in a netcdf file from Pa to hPa
or the other way around? thanks alot

Dr. Chang.

Replies (1)

RE: convert Pa to hPa - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 10 years ago

You can overwrite the level description with setzaxis. Here is an example for a description of 7 pressure level in hPa:

zaxistype = pressure
size      = 7
name      = lev
longname  = pressure
units     = hPa
levels    = 850 500 200 100 50 20 10 
Store the above lines in a file, e.g. myzaxis and pass it to setzaxis:
cdo setzaxis,myzaxis  ifile  ofile
