


cdo ml2pl interpolation problems

Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Hi I am using CDO ml2pl to interpolate my data from hybrid-level to pressure level. After I did that, there are some "-," values for the missing values in the new files. So how can I change the "-," to some numbers, like "1.0e+10".

I have attached my zaxis file. I think it's right.

zaxistype = hybrid
size = 48
levels = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48
vctsize = 98
vct = 1.000 2.697 5.171 8.895 14.248 22.072 33.613 50.481 74.800 109.401 158.005 225.441 317.896 443.194 611.116
833.744 1125.834 1505.207 1993.158 2614.863 3399.784 4382.063 5600.870 7100.731 8931.783 11149.965 13817.163
17001.210 20775.820 23967.334 25527.648 25671.226 24609.299 22640.514 20147.139 17477.640 14859.869 12414.927
10201.442 8241.503 6534.432 5066.179 3815.607 2758.603 1870.646 1128.339 510.480 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 0.049 0.107 0.185 0.275 0.369 0.461 0.546
0.623 0.691 0.750 0.801 0.845 0.881 0.912 0.938 0.960 0.977 0.992 1.000

Replies (12)

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Sorry. The command is like this:

cdo setzaxis,myzaxisinvert.dat
cdo ml2pl,100000,97500,95000,92500,90000,87500,85000,82500,80000,77500,75000,70000,67500,65000,62500,60000,57500,55000,52500,50000,47500,45000,42500,40000,37500,35000,32500,30000,27500,25000,22500,20000,17500,15000,12500,10000,7000,5000,3000

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

Use setmisstoc,1.e10 to convert the missing values to the value 1.e10:

cdo -setmisstoc,1.e10 -ml2pl,100000,97500,....

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Hi Uwe,

Thanks for your quick reply. I just tried your method, but the output netcdf file still have this "-," as missing values. Can I upload the file for you? It's 3.5GB for a single file.
Thanks again.

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

Yes, please upload an example file. Try to reduce the size by selecting only a few timesteps. Here is an example to select the first 3 timesteps with the NCO tool ncks:

ncks -d time,0,2 ifile ofile

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Hi Uwe,

Here is the new netcdf file and my z-axis file.

I need to do this:
cdo setzaxis,myzaxisinvert.dat output_for_wrf_199901.for.cdo
cdo ml2pl,100000,97500,95000,92500,90000,87500,85000,82500,80000,77500,75000,70000,67500,65000,62500,60000,57500,55000,52500,50000,47500,45000,42500,40000,37500,35000,32500,30000,27500,25000,22500,20000,17500,15000,12500,10000,7000,5000,3000

You see I didn't open the "EXTRAPOLATE" option for "ml2pl", because when I open that, there will be interpolated values for Geopotential Height over the mountains regions, like west mountain region of US and Himalaya, where we want the values to be blank or infinite positive (1.oe+10). I go to the source code and didn't find how cdo extrapolate these values and so I think it's better for me to keep them blank.

Thanks for your help!

myzaxisinvert.dat (999 Bytes) myzaxisinvert.dat z-axis file

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Hi Can you see the netcdf files? I have used different browers to upload them but I didn't the attachment. The file is only 25mb.

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

Thanks for the example file!
The missing value in this file is already 1.0e+10. The CDO operator setmisstoc can't be used to change a missing value to the same value as a constant. You can either use a different value:

cdo setmisstoc,1.e20 -ml2pl,100000,97500,....
or you have to change the missing value previously:
cdo setmisstoc,1.e10 -setmissval,-9e33 -ml2pl,100000,97500,....

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Hi Uwe,

In the example netcdf file, there are no missing values. I only defined the "missing_value" attribute in creating the file.

So with my example file,
after applying these two command:

cdo setzaxis,myzaxisinvert.dat output_for_wrf_199901.for.cdo
cdo -setmisstoc,1.e10 -ml2pl,100000,97500,....

The new files will contain lots of "-," for missing values.

I have uploaded my result for you.
Thanks for your time. (23.4 MB)

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

Yes your original file has not missing value. But the missing_value attribute is used for the resulting missing values of ml2pl. Please try it with:

cdo setmisstoc,1.e10 -setmissval,-9e33 -ml2pl,100000,97500,....

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Alan Zhang over 10 years ago

Hi Uwe,

Great! It works this time!
Thanks for your time and patience!
BTW, do you know where can I find document about what's the method CDO was using when performing "EXTRAPOLATE" with "ml2pl". With this option, I found that the missing values for the Geopotential Height is filled with surface Height. So I want to make sure about that.

Thanks again!

RE: cdo ml2pl interpolation problems - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 10 years ago

Unfortunately the extrapolation method is not documented. The code used in CDO is from our ECHAM postprocessor called afterburner ( This is a very old tool and came without documentation.
What I saw from the code is that the extrapolated values depends on the pressure, surface height and temperature.
Here is the code:

double extra_Z(double pres, double halfp, double fullp, double geop, double temp)
  double alpha, tstar, tmsl, zalp, zalpal;
  double zrg;
  double zlapse = 0.0065;
  double ztlim = 290.5;

  zrg   = 1.0 / Grav;
  alpha = RD * zlapse * zrg;
  tstar = (1.0 + alpha * (halfp/fullp - 1.0)) * temp;

  if ( tstar < 255.0 ) tstar = 0.5 * (255.0 + tstar);

  tmsl = tstar + zlapse * zrg * geop;

  if ( tmsl > ztlim && tstar > ztlim )
      tstar = 0.5 * (ztlim + tstar);
      tmsl  = tstar;

  if ( tmsl > ztlim && tstar <= ztlim ) tmsl = ztlim;

  if ( tmsl-tstar < 0.000001 && tstar-tmsl < 0.000001 )
    alpha = 0.0;
  else if ( geop > 0.0001 || geop < -0.0001 )
    alpha = RD * (tmsl-tstar) / geop;

  zalp   = log(pres/halfp);
  zalpal = zalp * alpha;

  return ((geop - RD*tstar*zalp*(1.0 + zalpal*(0.5 + zalpal/6.0)))*zrg);
