Working with chunking in CDO
Added by Mark Payne about 1 month ago
I am working with cdo remapnn to do nearest-neighbour interpolation on a dataset with dimensions (time,lon,lat). One of the key issues in my pipeline is the question of chunking - my input files are chunked at (365,100,100). Unfortunately, the output file from remapnn has been rechunked to (1,100,100). This is a major issue for my workflow, as I then need to rechunk everything again before I can proceed.
Is there anyway to set the chunking of the output or force cdo to respect the chunking of the input file?
Replies (1)
RE: Working with chunking in CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 1 month ago
Hi Mark,
Unfortunately, there is no way to make the chunking larger than the horizontal grid, sorry.