


cdo, cmor and cmip7

Added by Klaus Wyser 3 months ago

Curious to know if there are any plans to update cdo-cmor so it can be used for CMIP7. The CMIP7 data request has been released recently, but there are no tables and no updated CMOR libraries yet. And obviosuly no data to cmorise. Nevertheless I'd like to know if anything is in the pipeline for CMIP7.

And a related question: I did use cdo-cmor a while ago, Yesterday I made a quick test that failed because the CMOR library is now at 3.8 and the newest CMIP6 tables refer to 3.8. When reading these tables cdo-cmor aborts and complains that it only works with 3.4. I could bypass the problem by manually changing the 3.8 to a 3.4 in the CMIP6_Amon table, but that's of course no sustainable solution. Is there any immediate (i.e. before CMIP7) update of cdo-cmor, maybe link it with a newer version of the CMOR3 library? Or at least change the abort to a warning if a user has newer CMIP6 tables.

Replies (2)

RE: cdo, cmor and cmip7 - Added by Fabian Wachsmann 3 months ago

Dear Klaus,

good to hear that you were using cdo cmor. I still try to maintain the operator such that it is installable with recent versions. We are also using it within different ongoing projects, so there is and will be support for it.

You can install cdo 2.4.4 with cmor 3.9 via conda:

`conda create -n $ENVNAME -c conda-forge cdo=2.4.4=hbe50dc4_0`

We also provide a docker container if you are interested.

This version should be able to process recent CMOR tables.


RE: cdo, cmor and cmip7 - Added by Klaus Wyser 3 months ago

Thanks a lot Fabian for the very positive reply. Happy to hear that there will be continued support for the cmor feature.

I finally found time and downloaded the newer cdo version from conda-forge and it indeed solves the table version problem. Unfortunately it introduces some other errors, but that's a different story and we can take this later.

Best wishes,
