Request for a -delattribute option
Added by Brian Højen-Sørensen 9 months ago
I have many times found my self forced to use ncatted from the NCO package to remove attributes from NetCDF files, and have wished that there was a -delattribute,var@attr that could remove them. When providing NetCDF files for general download I prefer to have them as clean and correct (CF compliant) as possible.
So just a friendly request to consider it for a future feature. :-)
Replies (2)
RE: Request for a -delattribute option - Added by Uwe Schulzweida 9 months ago
Hi Brian,
The CDO function delattribute will be available in the next CDO relase!
RE: Request for a -delattribute option - Added by Brian Højen-Sørensen 9 months ago
That is really nice (and very fast).
I'll test it out when it is released.
I have mentioned it in a previous post, but using CDO and combining many functions to limit the amount of read/writes from disk in a production environment is really beneficial (and not using /dev/shm/). Being able to merge, regrid and modify files in a single command has improved our job flow tremendeously.
Awesome job. :-)
PS. I just found what i think is a bug in -setattribute and made a post: Sorry!