


How to extract the data only along a satellite swath consisting of multiple latitude and longitude pair points

Added by Ankan Sarkar 12 months ago

Dear all,
I have gridded extinction coefficient data (model output), and I want to extract the data only along the CALIPSO swath so that I can validate the model extinction coefficient with the CALIPSO-retrieved extinction coefficient. Now, the size of both latitude and longitude of CALIPSO aerosol profile data is 1x781 (i.e., 781 numbers of latitude-longitude pair points). However, the sizes of the latitude and longitude in the model-simulated gridded output are 501x1 and 901x1, respectively. Earlier, I successfully extracted the AOD value from the same model output, but only for a station location (i.e., only a latitude-longitude point) using the following CDO command line:

cdo -remapnn,"lon=67.136_lat=24.946"

But this time I want to extract extinction coefficient data from the same gridded model output, but only along the straight line of 781 latitude-longitude pair points, and then store the data in the new netcdf file (say, Is there a command line in CDO to perform this operation? Can anyone please guide me to solving this problem? That will be very helpful for me. I am new to CDO, and any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,

Replies (2)

RE: How to extract the data only along a satellite swath consisting of multiple latitude and longitude pair points - Added by Ankan Sarkar 12 months ago

Karin Meier-Fleischer wrote in RE: How to extract the data only along a satellite swath ...:

Hi Ankan,

can you upload both files?

Dear Karin,
The model data is huge in size. So, it's very difficult for me to upload. Can you give me any CDO command lines so that I can try and let you know the results? Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,
