


Regridding using CDO

Added by Angelo Teixeira Lemos about 1 year ago

Dear colleagues,
I am using the following cdo command to obtain the information of a grid file (from AQUA/Modis):
cdo griddes

In this step, the following information was obtained: #
  1. gridID 1 #
    gridtype = lonlat
    gridsize = 37324800
    xsize = 8640
    ysize = 4320
    xname = lon
    xlongname = "Longitude"
    xunits = "degrees_east"
    yname = lat
    ylongname = "Latitude"
    yunits = "degrees_north"
    xfirst = -179.9792
    xinc = 0.04166667
    yfirst = 89.97916
    yinc = -0.04166667 #
  2. gridID 2 #
    gridtype = generic
    gridsize = 768
    xsize = 256
    ysize = 3
    cdo griddes: Processed 3 variables [0.00s 11MB]

My next step was to generate a text file with the grid information of the AQUA/Modis file through the command:
cdo griddes > grid_file_AQUA.txt

I would like to use this text grid file information to regridding a NetCDF file (from ORAS5).
I am using this command:

cdo -O remapbil,grid_file_AQUA.txt

The file was created, but the temperature variable is incorrect when I tryied to extract it.
(Expected COUNT to be positive)

Anyone can help?

Replies (1)

RE: Regridding using CDO - Added by Estanislao Gavilan about 1 year ago

Hi Angelo,

I think the the problem is your yinc is negative and it should be positive. It could be a consequence of your yfirst. Try to change the signs to see if it works. Also, I can observe that you have 2 grids..(gridID 1 and 2). That is going to give you trouble. Your grid file should only have information about the destination grid, so you must delete the repeated information.

Kind regards,

