


Fillmiss within a certain region of the grid

Added by Jayantha Obeysekera over 1 year ago

I have a grid of rainfall with missing values in the ocean and some interior lakes. When I used fillmiss it interpolates even within the ocean which I do not want. I am curious if there is a way to use fillmiss within regions that contained only lakes. If so, can I use operator chaining to do it. Thank you.

Replies (2)

RE: Fillmiss within a certain region of the grid - Added by Ralf Mueller over 1 year ago

Hi Jayantha!

you might create (or use) a land-sea-mask to set the ocean points to a unreasonable value, which is not the missing value. in that case, fillmiss will only worm on non-ocean-points. you can set ocean values to the missval afterwards.

the problem is the land-sea-mask for your grid. For that you can use the -topo operator:

cdo -f nc -gtc,0 -topo
you can use this mask for division to create missing value in the ocean.


RE: Fillmiss within a certain region of the grid - Added by Jayantha Obeysekera over 1 year ago

Thank you, ralf. I will try that
