Turn variables into dimensions
Added by Kaleigh Ross over 3 years ago
I've merged and thus created a single, 4-dimensional netcdf file by concatenating 3d files along the z-axis.
My problem now is, I've created the following variables: lat, lon, alt (altitude) and time. However, they are read as variables and not dimensions, and thus I can't load them well in Panoply.
I'm fairly new to this so I hope anyone here could help me georeference these variables using CDO. Thank you!
!cdo sinfo C1_u_4D.nc
Warning (find_time_vars): Time variable >time< not found!
File format : NetCDF4 classic
-1 : Institut Source T Steptype Levels Num Points Num Dtype : Parameter ID
1 : unknown unknown v instant 7 1 9801 1 F64 : -1
2 : unknown unknown c instant 1 2 216 2 F64 : -2
3 : unknown unknown c instant 1 2 7 3 F64 : -3
Grid coordinates :
1 : generic : points=9801 (121x81)
lon : 110 to 140 by 0.25
lat : 24 to 4 by -0.25
2 : generic : points=216
3 : generic : points=7
Vertical coordinates :
1 : generic : levels=7
2 : surface : levels=1
Time coordinate : 216 steps
Replies (11)
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
hi Kaleigh!
Could you upload the file? or at least a single timestep?
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Kaleigh Ross over 3 years ago
Hello Ralf!
Please see attached file.
C1_u_4D.nc (131 MB) C1_u_4D.nc |
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
netcdf C1_u_4D { dimensions: lon = 121 ; lat = 81 ; alt = 7 ; time = 216 ; t = 216 ; z = 7 ; variables: double uwind(time, alt, lat, lon) ; double lon(lon) ; double lat(lat) ; double time(t) ; double alt(z) ;
your data variables have no attributes, that's why CDO cannot identify 'alt' as a vertical coordinate. This violates the CF-convention.
you can repair it a bit with
ncatted -a axis,time,c,c,'T' -a axis,alt,c,c,'Z' -a units,lon,c,c,'degrees_east' -a units,lat,c,c,'degrees_north' -a axis,lat,c,c,'Y' -a axis,lon,c,c,'X' C1_u_4D.nc
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
is from the NCO package
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
and please check if the coordinates are ok that way
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Kaleigh Ross over 3 years ago
Hello, Ralf.
It worked perfectly. Thank you so much for the help!
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Kaleigh Ross over 3 years ago
Hello again Ralf,
Do you happen to know how to add attributes to time? Mine is supposed to be "seconds since 1970-1-1" but Panoply is just reading them as integers. Thanks again!
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
you can use "seconds since 1970-01-01" instead. Leaving out the leading zeros in the units
attribute is ok with the CF-convention, but some applications might need them. It's worth a try
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
You could also try to convert it to another unit with cdo -settunits,days
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Kaleigh Ross over 3 years ago
Hi, Ralf.
I was able to make it work with cdo -settunits,days.
Thank you so much again!
RE: Turn variables into dimensions - Added by Ralf Mueller over 3 years ago
my pleasure , Kaleigh
have a good day