


What is the regridding value for WAS-22 (0.22 degree)?

Added by Gunavathi S over 3 years ago

Hello all,
I am using WAS-22 data for climate modelling. I need to convert this data from rotated coordinate system to lat /long. I can use this code for conversion "cdo remapbil,r360x180". But I do not know the regridding value for 0.22 degree. Can anyone help me out?

Replies (3)

RE: What is the regridding value for WAS-22 (0.22 degree)? - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago

Hi Gunavathi,

without the data file I can only guess.

1. Convert to global 0.22 degrees grid file

cdo -remapbil,global_0.22 infile outfile

2. Extract the region of your regional data

cdo -sellonlatbox,<lonmin>,<lonmax>,<latmin>,<latmax>  outfile outfile_regional

or in one step

cdo -sellonlatbox,<lonmin>,<lonmax>,<latmin>,<latmax> -remapbil,global_0.22 infile outfile


RE: What is the regridding value for WAS-22 (0.22 degree)? - Added by Gunavathi S over 3 years ago

Dear sir,
I have attached the metadata details for which I need regridding value? I know the regridding values for 1 degree(360*180), 0.5 degree(720*360) and 0.25 degree(1440*720).What will be the value for 0.22 degree?

ss.JPG (73.2 KB) ss.JPG meta data

RE: What is the regridding value for WAS-22 (0.22 degree)? - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago

Well that's simple:

360 degrees / 0.22 degrees ~ 1636 longitudes
180 degrees / 0.22 degrees ~  818 latitudes