


Convert Ascii to netcdf

Added by s r about 3 years ago


I have a ascii file, in a 1 km regular grid (1081*1171-EPSG:27572), gridfile description below :

gridtype = lonlat
xsize = 1081
ysize = 1171
xfirst = 39500
xinc = 1000
yfirst = 1604500
yinc = 1000

I'm trying to convert this file to a gridded netcdf file with :
cdo -f nc -settaxis,2020-04-01,00:00:00,1day -setctomiss,-9999.0 -setname,prtot -input,gridfile_description.txt < Test_pr.asc
Regridding of netcdf file is wrong, compared to the original grid and missing values. Could you indicate how to convert this ascii file with cdo ?

Many thanks

Test_pr.asc (8.06 MB) Test_pr.asc ascii file test
gridfile_description.txt (109 Bytes) gridfile_description.txt gridfile desciption

Replies (4)

RE: Convert Ascii to netcdf - Added by Brendan DeTracey about 3 years ago

Hi. This question gets asked a lot. Have you searched the forums for possible answers?

RE: Convert Ascii to netcdf - Added by s r about 3 years ago

Hello Brendan,

Yes, I found many subjects on the forum but no answer, nor in the online documentation. Particulary how to correctly create the gridfile description.


RE: Convert Ascii to netcdf - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 3 years ago

Hi S,

choosing the PROJ.4 settings from the description of the EPSG:2752 projection and modifying the grid description file I got an netCDF file which seems to be close but not correct.

By the way rows = y and cols = x, so your xsize and ysize had to be exchanged.
You have to take care about the settings by yourself.


gridtype = projection
gridsize = 1265851
xsize    = 1171
ysize    = 1081
xfirst   = 39500
xinc     = 1000
xunits   = "m" 
yfirst   = 1604500
yinc     = 1000
yunits   = "m" 
grid_mapping = crs
grid_mapping_name = lambert_conformal_conic
proj_params = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=46.8 +lat_0=46.8 +lon_0=0 +k_0=0.99987742 +x_0=600000 +y_0=2200000 +a=6378249.2 +b=6356515 +towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0 +pm=paris +units=m +no_defs" 

Convert to projected grid in netCDF format:

cdo -f nc -settaxis,2020-04-01,00:00:00,1day -setctomiss,-9999.0 -setname,prtot -input,gridfile.txt < Test_pr_2.asc

Remap to regular lonlat:

cdo -remapbil,r3600x1800

Now, its on you to find the correct settings. ;)


p_01.png (102 KB) p_01.png

RE: Convert Ascii to netcdf - Added by s r about 3 years ago

Hello Karin,

Many thanks for the gridfile description. yfirst and yinc parameters have to be changed (yfirst=ymax, yinc=-yinc). It's ok now with this configuration.
