


Add cyclic longitude point using CDO

Added by Trond Kristiansen over 4 years ago


I have netCDF files of ERA5 atmospheric forcing extracted for the northern hemisphere (40-90N,-180-179.75E). I want to use these data as lateral boundary forcing for an ocean model that covers the Arctic Ocean (ROMS model). The model can interpolate the ERA5 fields to its own grid if the ERA5 grid is larger than the model grid. The model grid covers -179.9848-179.9680 and therefore crashes when reading the ERA5 data as the model perceives the data to not cover the model domain.

I realize I have to add a cyclic point to trick ROMS to use these global data. I thought I could use CDO to add a cyclic point at 180E which would identical to -180. I am not sure how I could do this and I am wondering if anyone has suggestions for how to achieve this? I looked into CDO shiftxy which I guess could be used somehow.

I would appreciate any suggestions and examples for how I can use CDO to add a cyclic point to longitude.

Thank you.
Cheers, Trond

Replies (2)

RE: Add cyclic longitude point using CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida over 4 years ago

Try it with the operator sethalo:

cdo sethalo,0,1 infile outfile

RE: Add cyclic longitude point using CDO - Added by Trond Kristiansen over 4 years ago

Thank you so much. That worked great!
