CDO first steps
Added by Matteo Pecchi over 4 years ago
I’m trying to convert many file from rotated coordinate to normal long/lat coordinate. I would like to use the “remapbil” command following this link
It is the first time I use this software, I thought of acting in this way: first use cd to select folder where file is stored, after load file into software CDO, finally select the interesting variables and so doing the resample.
I write to ask some clarifications.
The first looking different tutorial on internet I have not found any command to import files into cdo. Is it correct?
I have many .nc file, each file refers to a considered year and therefore it has 12 bands (one for each month).
The second is relative to select the variables, I use this command line:
“cdo –selname, file name <infile> <outfile>” to select my variable.
I obtain this error message “syntax error next to the unexpected token “<”. Why?
Replies (2)
RE: CDO first steps - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago
have you seen the FAQ? It's full of examples.