


Converting netcdf file to grib2

Added by Alton Daley over 4 years ago


I am trying to convert a NetCDF file with cloud mask information to grb2. However, I am having a few problems. I first tried the command:

cdo -b 16 -f grb2 copy file.grb2

and got the result:

!!! grib_set_string( grib_handle* h, "cfName", "cloud_binary_mask") !!!
Warning (gribapiDefParam): grib_api: No match for cfName=cloud_binary_mask
ECCODES ERROR : concept: no match for shortName=BCM
ECCODES ERROR : concept: input handle edition=1
!!! grib_set_string( grib_handle* h, "shortName", "BCM") !!!
Warning (gribapiDefParam): grib_api: No match for shortName=BCM

Additionally, it seems like my grid may not be supported. Would you be able to assist me, please?


Replies (5)

RE: Converting netcdf file to grib2 - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago

hi Alton!

  1. your input is not CF-conform, you can check it with
    cdo sinfov ...
  2. grib1/2 is self-decribing format like netcdf - you have to use certain standard_name values, because grib only allows a certain catalogue of variables (


RE: Converting netcdf file to grib2 - Added by Alton Daley over 4 years ago

Thanks Ralf,

I managed to make the necessary changes with nco. I had to change the variable name as well as the standard name with the commands.

ncrename -h -O -v old_var_name,new_var_name


ncatted -a standard_name,~,o,c,"standard_name"

The issue is now remapping my grid.

I tried this recommendation.

cdo -f nc -sellonlatbox,lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2 -random,r1440x720
cdo -remapcon,

and the result was:

cdo remapcon (Abort): Unsupported projection coordinates (Variable: ctoph)!

Do you have any recommendations as to how to solve this problem?


RE: Converting netcdf file to grib2 - Added by Ralf Mueller over 4 years ago

hi Alton!
I am no expert when it comes to projections, sorry. But I cannot commend on your error, because the initially uploaded files does not have any variable called 'ctoph'.


RE: Converting netcdf file to grib2 - Added by Alton Daley over 4 years ago

The grids I have are attached below:

# gridID 1
gridtype  = projection
gridsize  = 150000
xsize     = 500
ysize     = 300
xname     = x
xlongname = "GOES Projection x-Coordinate" 
xunits    = "rad" 
yname     = y
ylongname = "GOES Projection y-Coordinate" 
yunits    = "rad" 
xfirst    = -0.10122
xinc      = 0.00028
yfirst    = 0.1281
yinc      = -0.00028
scanningMode = 64
grid_mapping = goes_imager_projection
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
long_name = "GOES-R ABI fixed grid projection" 
perspective_point_height = 35786023.
semi_major_axis = 6378137.
semi_minor_axis = 6356752.31414
inverse_flattening = 298.2572221
latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.
longitude_of_projection_origin = -75.
sweep_angle_axis = "x" 
# gridID 2
gridtype  = generic
gridsize  = 2
xsize     = 2
scanningMode = 64
# gridID 3
gridtype  = projection
gridsize  = 1
datatype  = float
ysize     = 1
yname     = y_image
ylongname = "GOES-R fixed grid projection y-coordinate center of image" 
yunits    = "rad" 
yvals     = 0.08624 
scanningMode = 64
grid_mapping = goes_imager_projection
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
long_name = "GOES-R ABI fixed grid projection" 
perspective_point_height = 35786023.
semi_major_axis = 6378137.
semi_minor_axis = 6356752.31414
inverse_flattening = 298.2572221
latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.
longitude_of_projection_origin = -75.
sweep_angle_axis = "x" 
# gridID 4
gridtype  = generic
gridsize  = 1
datatype  = float
xsize     = 1
ysize     = 1
xname     = x_image
xlongname = "GOES-R fixed grid projection x-coordinate center of image" 
xunits    = "rad" 
yname     = y_image
ylongname = "GOES-R fixed grid projection y-coordinate center of image" 
yunits    = "rad" 
xvals     = -0.03136 
yvals     = 0.08624 
scanningMode = 64
gridtype  = projection
gridsize  = 1
datatype  = float
ysize     = 1
yname     = y_image
ylongname = "GOES-R fixed grid projection y-coordinate center of image" 
yunits    = "rad" 
yvals     = 0.08624 
scanningMode = 64
grid_mapping = goes_imager_projection
grid_mapping_name = geostationary
long_name = "GOES-R ABI fixed grid projection" 
perspective_point_height = 35786023.
semi_major_axis = 6378137.
semi_minor_axis = 6356752.31414
inverse_flattening = 298.2572221
latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.
longitude_of_projection_origin = -75.
sweep_angle_axis = "x" 

I suspect that the first grid is the correct one but the coordinate system seems to be in radians. I think if there is a way to convert to degrees this may work.
