EOF warning
Added by Siham Benzouaï almost 5 years ago
I calculate EOF (with 10 modes) on sst seasonal anomalies. Processing ends with this warning message:
statistics-module (Warning): Eigenvalue computation with a one-sided Jacobi scheme
did not converge properly. 35 of 630 pairs of columns did
not achieve requested orthogonality of 1e-12_
But the 2 outputs: "eigenvalues" and "eigenvectors" were well generated and the 3 first modes of the "eigenvectors" image seem to be different when displayed.
Is there any error that I need to correct?
Thank you in advance.
Replies (10)
RE: EOF warning - Added by Siham Benzouaï almost 5 years ago
Dear CDO community,
I increased the number of iterations to 500, I have redone the computation but the execution of the EOF on the SST anomalies still does not converge.
So instead of Jacobi's algorithm, I used Danielson_lanczos' algorithm. The EOF run and there was no error message. Please, could you tell me if it is the solution to my problem?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
RE: EOF warning - Added by Juliana B over 4 years ago
Hi Siham
i have the same problem, did you solve the problem?
RE: EOF warning - Added by Juliana B over 4 years ago
juliana benjumea wrote:
Hi Siham
I have the same problem, did you solve the problem?
RE: EOF warning - Added by Siham Benzouaï over 4 years ago
Dear Juliana,
Yeah, something like that. I reduced the area of interest using:
cdo sellonlatbox,long1,long2,lat1,lat2 <input.nc> <output.nc>
then after operating the EOF,
export CDO_SVD_MODE=jacobi
export CDO_WEIGHT_MODE=off
cdo -b F64 eof,3 <anomaly.nc> <eigenval> <eofs>
I got the same message but with a reduced number of columns that didn't converge properly:
"statistics-module (Warning): Eigenvalue computation with one-sided jacobi scheme
did not converge properly. 1 of 630 pairs of columns did
not achieve requested orthogonality of 1e-12 "
I hope this could help you.
Best Regards,
RE: EOF warning - Added by Juliana B over 4 years ago
Hi Siham
thanks for the explanation, I changed my script, but CDO_MAX_JACOBI_ITER does not change
OpenMP: num_procs=8 max_threads=1 num_devices=0
cdo eof: Using CDO_SVD_MODE 'jacobi' from default
cdo eof: Using CDO_WEIGHT_MODE 'off' from default
cdo eof: Counting timesteps in ifile
cdo eof: Found 12000 timeSteps
cdo eof: Calculating 3 eigenvectors and 1586 eigenvalues in grid_space
cdo eof: Allocated eigenvalue/eigenvector structures with nts=12000 gridsize=1586
cdo eof: Calculating covar matrices for 1 levels of var0 (tos)
cdo eof: processing level 0
cdo eof: Using MAX_JACOBI_ITER 12 from default
cdo eof: Using FNORM_PRECISION 1e-12 from default
cdo eof: Finished one-sided jacobi scheme for eigenvalue computation after 12 iterations
statistics-module (Warning): Eigenvalue computation with one-sided jacobi scheme
did not converge properly. 833520 of 933661 pairs of columns did
not achieve requested orthogonality of 1e-12
cdo eof: Processed 19032000 values from 1 variable over 12000 timesteps [59.18s 86MB]
RE: EOF warning - Added by Juliana B over 4 years ago
Hi Siham,
OpenMP: num_procs=8 max_threads=1 num_devices=0
cdo eof: Using CDO_SVD_MODE 'jacobi' from default
cdo eof: Using CDO_WEIGHT_MODE 'off' from Environment
cdo eof: Counting timesteps in ifile
cdo eof: Found 12000 timeSteps
cdo eof: Calculating 3 eigenvectors and 1586 eigenvalues in grid_space
cdo eof: Allocated eigenvalue/eigenvector structures with nts=12000 gridsize=1586
cdo eof: Calculating covar matrices for 1 levels of var0 (tos)
cdo eof: processing level 0
cdo eof: Using MAX_JACOBI_ITER 100 from Environment
cdo eof: Using FNORM_PRECISION 1e-12 from default
cdo eof: Finished one-sided jacobi scheme for eigenvalue computation after 27 iterations
cdo eof: Processed 19032000 values from 1 variable over 12000 timesteps [114.07s 86MB]
It worked, I had something wrong.
Thanks !!!
RE: EOF warning - Added by Christ Reflin over 3 years ago
Hi Juliana B,
what was the mistake? I have the same issue with CDO_MAX_JACOBI_ITER,
it remains the same even though I set new environment with
Thank you
RE: EOF warning - Added by Christ Reflin over 3 years ago
I apologize for my previous post,
I know my mistake, it supposed to be
export MAX_JACOBI_ITER=100
silly mistake,
RE: EOF warning - Added by Abubakar Bello over 3 years ago
Kindly assist me on how best to calculate seasonal anomalies (DJF, OND and JFM) for geopotential height using a merged file geo79-2020.nc. My years of interest are 1989,1996,2003 and 2015.
Here are my steps for JFM
cdo yearmean -selmon,1,2,3 geo79-2020.nc 123yearmean.n
ccdo timmean 123yearmean.nc Tmean.nc
cdo -b 64 sub 123yearmean.nc Tmean.nc ano123.nc
To extract the years I did use
cdo selyear.2015 ano123.nc ano123.15.nc
cdo selyear.2003 ano123.nc ano123.03.nc
cdo selyear.1996 ano123.nc ano123.96.nc
cdo selyear.1989 ano123.nc ano123.89.nc
Are these steps the right way?
RE: EOF warning - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 3 years ago
Hi Abubakar,
please, next time create a "new message" because your question does not belong to this one.
It looks good to me but there are some typos
cdo yearmean -selmon,1,2,3 geo79-2020.nc 123yearmean.n cdo timmean 123yearmean.nc Tmean.nc cdo -b 64 -sub 123yearmean.nc Tmean.nc ano123.nc cdo selyear,2015 ano123.nc ano123.15.nc cdo selyear,2003 ano123.nc ano123.03.nc cdo selyear,1996 ano123.nc ano123.96.nc cdo selyear,1989 ano123.nc ano123.89.nc