


nc4 to grb error

Added by Jay Su almost 5 years ago


cdo -v -f grb copy infile outfile

wgrib showed the variables as being these, which I don't think is right for attachment:

PRES=Pressure [Pa]
PRMSL=Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
PTEND=Pressure tendency [Pa/s]
PVORT=Pot. vorticity [km^2/kg/s]
ICAHT=ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height [M]
GP=Geopotential [m^2/s^2]
HGT=Geopotential height [gpm]
DIST=Geometric height [m]
HSTDV=Std dev of height [m]
TOZNE=Total ozone [Dobson]
TMP=Temp. [K]
VTMP=Virtual temp. [K]
POT=Potential temp. [K]
EPOT=Pseudo-adiabatic pot. temp. [K]
TMAX=Max. temp. [K]
TMIN=Min. temp. [K]
DPT=Dew point temp. [K]
DEPR=Dew point depression [K]
LAPR=Lapse rate [K/m]
VIS=Visibility [m]
RDSP1=Radar spectra (1) [non-dim]
RDSP2=Radar spectra (2) [non-dim]
RDSP3=Radar spectra (3) [non-dim]
PLI=Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) [K]
TMPA=Temp. anomaly [K]
PRESA=Pressure anomaly [Pa]
GPA=Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
WVSP1=Wave spectra (1) [non-dim]
WVSP2=Wave spectra (2) [non-dim]
WVSP3=Wave spectra (3) [non-dim]
WDIR=Wind direction [deg]
WIND=Wind speed [m/s]
UGRD=u wind [m/s]
VGRD=v wind [m/s]
STRM=Stream function [m^2/s]
VPOT=Velocity potential [m^2/s]

It also had this message: "Undefined parameter table (center 0-0 table 255), using NCEP-opn" which I think means it couldn't find the parameter look-up table.

Replies (3)

RE: nc4 to grb error - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 5 years ago

hi Jay!

not sure what exactly happens, but with my latest release version the conversion is no problem, result is uploaded


RE: nc4 to grb error - Added by Jay Su almost 5 years ago

Thank you Ralf, did you mean v1.9.8?
