Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: lon)!
Added by Alfonso Acosta almost 5 years ago
I'm trying to remap the attached file of Antarctica into a 360x300 grid. When I run the command that I've used successfully on other occasions (cdo -remapdis,mapper.nc wshelves.nc wshelves-remap.nc), I get the following error:
"Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: lon)!"
Any ideas on how to fix it?
Many thanks!
wshelves.nc (22 MB) wshelves.nc | Antarctic map with ice shelves |
Replies (2)
RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: lon)! - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 5 years ago
Hi Alfonso,
the coordinates attribute is missing for both variables but you can fix it with
cdo setattribute,thk@coordinates="lat lon",thkmask@coordinates="lat lon" wshelves.nc wshelves_new.nc
RE: Unsupported generic coordinates (Variable: lon)! - Added by Alfonso Acosta almost 5 years ago
Worked like a charm. Thanks so much Karin! _