Data became NAs after converting rotated COSMO-REA6 grid to regular lon-lat grid
Added by QI ZHAO almost 5 years ago
I am using the COSMO-REA6 temperature data, which are in rotated longitude-latitude grid with a shifted pole (
As a newbie of cdo, I projected the rotated .grb files (see the attachment) to regular .grb files and then converted them to .nc files according to the 'COSMO_REA6_Starting_example' (see the attachment). However, when I opened the produced .nc files in arcGIS and R, all temperature values became NAs. Could someone know why?
Here is my code:
cdo remapcon,test_grid.txt T_2M.2D.201904.DayMean.grb remap_T_2M.2D.201904.DayMean.grb
cdo -f nc copy remap_T_2M.2D.201904.DayMean.grb
Thanks in advance,
Replies (2)
RE: Data became NAs after converting rotated COSMO-REA6 grid to regular lon-lat grid - Added by QI ZHAO almost 5 years ago
I am using the wrong outgrid file. Now the problem has been solved.
RE: Data became NAs after converting rotated COSMO-REA6 grid to regular lon-lat grid - Added by Michal Morawski almost 2 years ago
how have you solved this?
Could you please upload the correct outgrid file and also the cdo command you've used for the convertion?