Fill missing timesteps with NaNs
Added by Marte Hofsteenge almost 5 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am analyzing some data from a netCDF file, but I encouter a problem. The data is structured such that I have output for lat/lon and per day. However, there are some gaps in the timeseries, some days are missing. Is it possible with a cdo statement to create a new file where the timeseries has data for each day, such that the previous missing dates have NaNs?
I am very happy to hear you suggestions,
Replies (1)
RE: Fill missing timesteps with NaNs - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 5 years ago
Hi Marte,
you have to add each single timestep. If you know the missing timesteps you can write a shell script to create the files (with missing values) for the single timesteps.
For example:
#!/bin/ksh cdo -setctomiss,1e20 -addc,1e20 -mulc,0 -seltimestep,1 cat << EOF > missing_timesteps.txt 2000-01-03,12:00:00,1day 2000-01-06,12:00:00,1day 2000-01-08,12:00:00,1day EOF set -A tsteps `tr -s '\n' ' ' < missing_timesteps.txt` nt1=$(({#tsteps[@]}-1)) for i in $(seq 0 ${nt1}); do cdo -O -settaxis,${tsteps[$i]} tmp_${i}.nc done cdo -O -mergetime tmp_*.nc rm -rf tmp_*.nc