


Vertical interpolation with ERA5 pressure levels

Added by Jorge Navarro about 5 years ago


We want to obtain the vertical interpolation at 500 meters above ground level of the u and v wind components, from ERA5 data on pressure levels (GRIB format). We use the option ap2hl and the results is:

cdo ap2hl,500 -selname,u,v ERA520181005 uv500_20181005
cdo(1) selname: Process started

cdo ap2hl (Abort): air_pressure not found!

Can you help me? What is wrong?

Thanks a lot,

ERA520181005 (20.4 MB) ERA520181005 ERA5 GRIB data

Replies (1)

RE: Vertical interpolation with ERA5 pressure levels - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago


your data is on pressure levels (not hybrid pressure levels - that's why ap2pl doesn't work). For interpolation to heights, you have to go through the documentation of ERA5 and check if

  • you can download the data on your target coordinate
  • you can download the data on the model levels and do the interpolation on your own

I think ERA uses hybrid sigma pressure level, therefor I would use the ml2hl operator. But please, check the ERA documentation first

an possibly elsewhere

