cdo mergetime error unsported array structure
Added by Marte Hofsteenge about 5 years ago
Dear all,
I want to merge netcdf files dat show data on a global grid, one file for each day, to create a netcdf file with all days together. The error message I get is: Internal error, variable Tinz has an unsupported array structure! It seems a problem that one variable (Tinz) has one more dimension then all other variables. All variables have as dimensions time, x, y, expect of Tinz that has nc (5 ice categories), nkice (7 ice layers), x, y. Is there a way to solve this? Or is it possible to merge the files, while ignoring this Tinz variable? I added the header file of the netcdf for extra information.
Thank you!
header_iceh.txt (32.7 KB) header_iceh.txt |
Replies (1)
RE: cdo mergetime error unsported array structure - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 5 years ago
Hi Marte,
maybe this will do what you are looking for
cdo -mergetime -apply,delname,Tinz *.nc