


Installing python packages failed in Cygwin

Added by Yunlei Wu about 5 years ago

Hello Fellow users,
I have browsed all related questions in Forums, but still not find the solution.
I am using Cygwin in win10 and I want to run the CDO in Python using Cygwin. I installed the python 3.6 in Cygwin and CDO package in python. But when I ran the CDO, I was told that the models are missing, so I quitted the Python environment and install those dependency packages using Cygwin pip, like pandas and NumPy, but I failed. Thus, CDO can't work well in python environment.
I attached the 'basic_info' to show the basic information about CDO in the Python environment and 'install_package_problem' to show the error when I tried to install packages.
I appreciate it if you can give me any hint to solve it.