cdo remapbil and copy in a bash script
Added by Giacomo Lucidi about 5 years ago
I have some problems with a bash script for process multiples files in a folder.
I would like to run the following commands
cdo -copy cdo -remapbil,
Could give me any suggestion?
-With a for loop I have problems but I run the commands manually they works
-Should I keep my weight file in the same folder of the files that I won't to process?
Thank you
Replies (2)
RE: cdo remapbil and copy in a bash script - Added by Giacomo Lucidi about 5 years ago
Could you give me any suggestion?
-With a for loop I have problems but if I run the commands manually they works
-Should I keep my weight file in the same folder of the files that I want to process?
RE: cdo remapbil and copy in a bash script - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
hi Giacomo!
Please upload the code, that causes the problem. An example loop could look like this:
for file in boo*.nc; do
cdo -remapbil, $file remapbil_$file
the copy statement is not needed for remapping, that's why I skipped it. But you can add anything you like here of course.