monthly mean of wind direction
Added by Zeinab Salah about 5 years ago
Dear all,
I have model output for u and v components every 6 hours?
1- Is it better to calculate monthly mean of wind direction or the prevailing wind direction in this month?
2- Does the monthly mean of the direction give reasonable information?, since if you have a perfect east wind and a perfect west wind and you want to find the direction of their average.
3- Is there any function in cdo to calculate the dominant wind direction?
Best regards,
Replies (2)
RE: monthly mean of wind direction - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
hi Zeinab!
Those are good questions: computing mean values of vector components is not a good idea when you want to know the mean vector. Unfortunately there is no easy metric on vectors and that's why most ppl use mean-of-components for mean-of-vectors. There is no operators for the dominant wind direction. Do you have definition for this?
RE: monthly mean of wind direction - Added by Zeinab Salah about 5 years ago
Thank you Ralf,
The dominant wind direction is the percentage of the most frequent direction during the selected time period, as in windrose.
Can we calculate it using CDO? maybe using the percentile?
Best wishes,