Parameter not defined AFTER GRID CONVERSION
Added by Frank Toussaint about 5 years ago
Moin *,
the following error occurs on reading some accumulated ECMWF ERA5 data after conversion to a regular grid with e.g. cdo sinfo:
Warning (cgribexScanTimestep): Record 256 (id=142.128 lev1=0 lev2=0) timestep 256: Parameter not defined at timestep 1!
A following conversion to nc (cdo -f nc copy..) fails to produce useful data, presumably due to the same problem.
conversion to regular grid:
cdo -setgridtype,regular E5sf12_01_2009-01_142 /work/bk1099/data/2008/sf12_01/E5sf12_01_2008-01_142 E5sf12_01_2009-01_142_reg
This seems not to happen
for the original GRIB file from ECMWF nor
for instantaneous data (like 165.128) nor
for other parameters than 142.128 (like 137.128)
but it does occur for other months and years of 142.128 as 2009-01 and 2008-06 ( see directory /work/bk1099/data/test ).
Has anybody an idea, what might be the cause? ...frank
Replies (3)
RE: Parameter not defined AFTER GRID CONVERSION - Added by Ralf Mueller about 5 years ago
hi Frank!
Which CDO version do you use? With cdo-1.9.8 on mistralpp, I can run this without problems:
k202125@mistralpp3:~$ cdo -f nc -copy -setgridtype,regular /work/bk1099/data/sf12_01/2008/E5sf12_01_2008-01_142 /dev/shm/ cdo(1) setgridtype: Process started cdo(1) setgridtype: Processed 1 variable over 744 timesteps. cdo copy: Processed 609484800 values from 1 variable over 744 timesteps [15.97s 55MB].
RE: Parameter not defined AFTER GRID CONVERSION - Added by Frank Toussaint about 5 years ago
Danke, Ralf!
That's strange. If you put both steps into one (cdo -f nc -copy -setgridtype,regular ...) it works - like in your example. However, in two steps (cdo -setgridtype,regular ... FOLLOWED BY cdo -f nc copy ...) an error seems to be implemented in the first step already, without being displayed immedeately. You see it e.g. by "cdo sinfo ...".
I think the cdo write something in the first step which they do not really want to read in a second step (cdo sinfo.. oder cdo -f nc copy...). Should that be corrected some time? I could contact Uwe in January.
Thanks a lot anyway... LG... frank
RE: Parameter not defined AFTER GRID CONVERSION - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 5 years ago
Hi Frank,
Use the CDO option --eccodes if you encountered a problem with the CDO internal library cgribex.
See also: