convert monthly averages to monthly totals
Added by Stuart Brown over 5 years ago
Hi, I have some monthly precipitation data (12 months) which is recorded in kg.m-2.s-1 averaged over the entire month - i.e. the average daily precipitation for the month.
Can I use CDO to convert these into monthly totals? At the moment I simply multiply the values by the number of seconds in a month (2.628e+6):
cdo mulc,2.628e+6
But this obviously assumes that all months are ~30.4 days long - is there a way to do this whereby the number of seconds depends on which month is being processed? So a 31 day month would be multiplied by 2.678e+6, February (28 days) would be multiplied by 2.419e+6
Replies (1)
RE: convert monthly averages to monthly totals - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago
Hi Stuart!
Here is what I would do:
- check with with calendar the data was created: 360days or 365days, with/without leap years
- compute a 1d-timeseries of seconds that represent the length of each month in your input
- enlarge this timeseries to the input grid with
cdo -enlarge ...
- multiply this with your input by
cdo mul ...
for the computation of seconds, I think the datetime libraries of python or ruby should be a good choice. here is a ruby example using the normal calendar
require 'time'
years = (2001..2009)
months = (1..12)
years.each {|year|
months.each {|month|
dateStart =,month,1,0,0,0)
if 12 != month then
dateEnd =,month+1,1,0,0,0)
dateEnd =,1,1,0,0,0)
diffInSeconds = dateEnd.strftime('%s').to_i - dateStart.strftime('%s').to_i
pp [diffInSeconds, dateStart.to_s, dateEnd.to_s]
python should look very similar.