Computing growing season days that freeze
Added by Lucas Do over 5 years ago
I'm looking to compute the number of days in a 30-year time period that are both in the growing season (as defined by eca_gsl) and have a Tmin <=0C. I thought to do it by comparing my Tmin file to 0C and using that as a mask on the Tavg input for eca_gsl, but couldn't get it to work. Advice on how to figure this out would be appreciated!
Attached are:
-tmin file (tasmin_ens_hist_1970-1999.nc4)
-tavg file (tas_ens_hist_1970-1999.nc4)
-land water mask file (
Replies (2)
RE: Computing growing season days that freeze - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
Hi Lucas,
you have to create a mask file based on tasmin <= 273.15 (units is Kelvin) and multiply the tas file with it.
cdo eca_gsl tas_ens_hist_1970-1999.nc4
cdo -mul -lec,273.15 tasmin_ens_hist_1970-1999.nc4
RE: Computing growing season days that freeze - Added by Lucas Do over 5 years ago
Thanks for the response, that seems to do the trick. Much appreciated.