Added by Valiyaveetil Shamsudheen Semeena about 13 years ago
I am trying to interpolate vertical hybrid levels to pressure levels of actually ECHAM output. But got the following warning
cdo ml2pl (Warning): No data on hybrid model level found!
But it did something and created a new file which is basically the same as my input file! Did anyone have the same problem before? Do you know what this is?
I have extracted a subset of the data and attached here with.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.
Replies (3)
RE: ml2pl - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago
Hi Semeena,
You hopefully get also the warning message:
Warning (varDefZaxis) : VCT missingThe VCT (Vertical coordinate table) is needed for the vertical interpolation. It will be constructed from the netCDF variables hyai and hybi. Unfortunately these variables are not available in the netCDF file.
RE: ml2pl - Added by Valiyaveetil Shamsudheen Semeena about 13 years ago
Hi Uwe,
Thanks for the reply. No, I don't get this VCT error!! Still is there any way to create this VCT?
RE: ml2pl - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 13 years ago
There is no way to create this VCT with CDO, sorry.
Regards, Uwe