


Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation

Added by Win Trivitayanurak over 5 years ago

I'm installing CDO from cdo- on my Ubuntu Budgie with the netCDF4 and HDF5 configuration. The compilation stopped and it says the file mpi.h cannot be found (the message is attached herewith). Somehow I can find the mpi.h file in the directory /usr/include/mpi/ but I don't know how to fix this issue. I tried editing the code where the compilation crashed and edit the include line from <mpi.h> to be </usr/include/mpi/mpi.h> but it still stopped at the same step but with slight difference in the message to the screen. Please help. Thanks in advance.

CDO_compile_log.log (147 KB) CDO_compile_log.log compilation log tunneled to a file
compile-message (3.38 KB) compile-message message show up on screen during compilation

Replies (6)

RE: Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

Hi Win!

you seem to use spack for installing the dependencies of CDO. There is a spack for CDO itself, so manual installation from the source is not really needed.

I use the 'develop' branch of spack, last commit from 2019-08-25. try

spack info cdo


btw: Ubuntu comes with a cdo package. It's an older revision, but might still fit your needs.

RE: Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation - Added by Win Trivitayanurak over 5 years ago

Hi Ralf,
Thanks a lot for your reply. :) So I tried this:

win@win-desktop:~$ spack compiler find
> Found no new compilers
> Compilers are defined in the following files:
win@win-desktop:~$ spack install cdo
==> Error: An unsatisfiable variant constraint has been detected for spec:

~cxx~debug~fortran~hl+mpi+pic+shared~szip+threadsafe arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64
^+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64

while trying to concretize the partial spec:

~dap~hdf4 maxdims=1024 maxvars=8192 +mpi~parallel-netcdf+pic+shared arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64
^+sigsegv arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64
^ arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64
^+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64

netcdf requires hdf5 variant +hl, but spec asked for ~hl

How the error message looks on screen is in the attached file.
Can you suggest how to fix this issue?

RE: Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation - Added by Win Trivitayanurak over 5 years ago

I just installed CDO from linux package by doing sudo apt install cdo
I got version 1.9.3 and I guess it should work for my purpose. So I'm good for now.

RE: Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

alright - good to know, Win.

I will start chasing this spack-issue then


RE: Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

should be

 spack install cdo '^hdf5+hl'
Found some issues related to this behavior of the concretizer on github

RE: Installation error: cannot find mpi.h during compilation - Added by Ralf Mueller over 5 years ago

OK, full speck without lengthy openmpi installation (which is not needed at all)

spack spec -I cdo '^hdf5+hl~mpi' '^netcdf~mpi' '^fftw~mpi'
