setgridtype | Unsupported grid name: lonlat
Added by David Leutwyler about 13 years ago
I treat an .nc file using a custom routine written in F90. Afterwards I want to substract two fields. The treated field (in file using the F90 routine and the "original" field I use as an input to the F90 routine. To do this I use the sub operators.
cdo sub
I get the follwoing warning:
cdo(3) sub (Warning): Grids have different types! First grid: generic; second grid: lonlat
I think is beacsue I didnt specify a grid in the and therefor it is set to generic by default. Becasue I know that the two grids are the same it is safe to set the grid in to lonlat:
cdo setgridtype,lonlat
I get the following error message:
cdo setgridtype (Abort): Unsupported grid name: lonlat
Am I missing something?
Thank you for your help.
Output from griddes
- gridID 0
gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 16380
xname = lon
xlongname = longitude
xunits = degrees_east
yname = lat
ylongname = latitude
yunits = degrees
xsize = 180
ysize = 91
xfirst = 0
xinc = 2
yfirst = -90
yinc = 2
Output from griddes
- gridID 0
gridtype = generic
gridsize = 16380
xname = lon
xunits = degrees_east
yname = lat
yunits = degrees
xsize = 180
ysize = 91
xfirst = 0
xinc = 2
yfirst = -90
yinc = 2
PS: Thx a lot for this amazing product.
Replies (1)
RE: setgridtype | Unsupported grid name: lonlat - Added by David Leutwyler about 13 years ago
forgot: I use Version 1.5.4