360 days to 365 days in cdo
Added by Geetha R over 5 years ago
I have seen a discussion with the same topic of converting 360 days to 365 days using Ncl. In that code, the interpolation is done from the first day of the data that the data in 365 days data differs much when compared with the 360 days data. So, I thought that 5 days can be included at the end of each year. The interpolation can be started at 360th day and end at 361th day. As, i am new to ncl, may I get a code for this. Kindly correct me, if I am wrong.
Replies (6)
RE: 360 days to 365 days in cdo - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
Hi Geetha,
if you have an NCL question please send it to ncl-talk.
RE: 360 days to 365 days in cdo - Added by Geetha R over 5 years ago
I have posted the question here because the topic was discussed previously and hence I thought of discussing in continuation of that. I am sorry Karin. Is there any solution for this in cdo. Kindly reply on this.
RE: 360 days to 365 days in cdo - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
Maybe you have to overwrite the time axis by setting the calendar, and taxis manually
cdo setreftime,1900-01-01,0,1s -settaxis,1957-04-01,3:00:00,1day -setcalendar,365_day infile outfile
Note, you have to adapt the setreftime and settaxis values.
RE: 360 days to 365 days in cdo - Added by Geetha R over 5 years ago
Karin, I am sorry if I am wrong. I think the above code will change the value of time dimension but will it change the value of the variable which has time, lat, long as dimensions. I am looking for converting a variable of 360 days to 365 days
RE: 360 days to 365 days in cdo - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer over 5 years ago
So, you want to interpolate your data from e.g. daily data 360 timesteps to 365 timesteps which is not possible with CDO as far as I know.