


cdo settaxis leap year in CRUNCEP

Added by Lina Teck almost 6 years ago

Dear all,
I'm playing around with CRU-NCEP data and modify selected years. I need to reset the time axis, is there a way to ignore leap years with cdo settaxis? They don't exist in CRU-NCEP and modifying the time axis will lead to a shift of a day. For example in 1968, I will have the additional day in february but in the end of the year, December 31st is missing.
Thanks for your help!

Replies (2)

RE: cdo settaxis leap year in CRUNCEP - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

You have to combine settaxis with setcalendar,365_day:

cdo settaxis,... -setcalendar,365_day  infile  outfile

RE: cdo settaxis leap year in CRUNCEP - Added by Lina Teck almost 6 years ago

Great, thank you very much!
