Added by pardis rafati almost 6 years ago
i'm not familiar with CDO at all
i have some questions, it will be great if somebody can help me with those
first of all i want to use oisst monthly data for 35 years, and the region which i want to work on it is near by land so i have sst and missing data on my grid box.
i need to filter out seasonal variability using an operator of 12 month running mean for each grid point and then calculate climatologycal mean and trend and then deterend data and then use final data for EOF analysis.
but i dont know how to do that cause i read CDO cant support missing data, i think of extract every grid point data that i want separately and then combine them and do calculation, can i?
and also i wonder for filter out seasonal variability using an operator of 12 month running mean for each grid point i have to use highpass filter??
so if anybody can help me with this operations or doing those on what order of commands i will really appreciated.
sorry if i wrote too much