


cdo sp2gpl fails

Added by Christian Zeman almost 6 years ago

Hi all,

I get the following error when I try to transform a file from spectral space to grid point space:

#! cdo sp2gpl

Error (sptrans_new) : Allocation of 67135078400 bytes failed. [ line 147 file ]
System error message : Cannot allocate memory

Somehow it tries to allocate a huge amount of memory even though the file is only 26MB. Does anybody have an idea what could be the cause for this issue? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you and kind regards,


You can find the file attached. Below you can see the most important information.

cdo info:

#! cdo info
    -1 :       Date     Time   Level Gridsize    Miss :     Minimum        Mean     Maximum : Parameter ID
     1 : 2018-05-29 00:00:00   50000  6556160       0 :  -0.0016366  1.2016e-09   0.0013878 : 120.128       
cdo info: Processed 6556160 values from 1 variable over 1 timestep [0.06s 93MB]

cdo griddes:

#! cdo griddes 
# gridID 1
gridtype  = spectral
gridsize  = 6556160
truncation = 2559
complexpacking = 1
cdo griddes: Processed 1 variable [0.00s 18MB]


I'm using the following version of CDO:

#! cdo --version
Climate Data Operators version 1.9.6 (
System: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu
CXX Compiler: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/cdo_1554658343410/_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-c++ -fPIC -DPIC -g -O2 -std=c++11 -fopenmp -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -I/usr/local/Miniconda3-envs/envs/2019/envs/iacpy3_2019/include -fdebug-prefix-map=${SRC_DIR}=/usr/local/src/conda/${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION} -fdebug-prefix-map=${PREFIX}=/usr/local/src/conda-prefix -fopenmp 
CXX version : unknown
C Compiler: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/cdo_1554658343410/_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-cc -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -I/usr/local/Miniconda3-envs/envs/2019/envs/iacpy3_2019/include -fdebug-prefix-map=${SRC_DIR}=/usr/local/src/conda/${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION} -fdebug-prefix-map=${PREFIX}=/usr/local/src/conda-prefix -fopenmp  
C version : unknown
F77 Compiler: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/cdo_1554658343410/_build_env/bin/x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gfortran -fopenmp -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -pipe -I/usr/local/Miniconda3-envs/envs/2019/envs/iacpy3_2019/include -fdebug-prefix-map=${SRC_DIR}=/usr/local/src/conda/${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION} -fdebug-prefix-map=${PREFIX}=/usr/local/src/conda-prefix
F77 version : unknown
Features: 15GB 8threads C++11 Fortran DATA PTHREADS OpenMP45 HDF5 NC4/HDF5/threadsafe OPeNDAP UDUNITS2 PROJ.4 XML2 CURL FFTW3 SSE3
Libraries: HDF5/1.10.4 proj/5.2 xml2/2.9.8 curl/7.64.0(h7.64.1)
Filetypes: srv ext ieg grb1 grb2 nc1 nc2 nc4 nc4c nc5 
     CDI library version : 1.9.6
 cgribex library version : 1.9.2
 ecCodes library version : 2.12.3
  NetCDF library version : 4.6.2 of Dec 17 2018 19:36:03 $
    hdf5 library version : 1.10.4 threadsafe
    exse library version : 1.4.1
    FILE library version : 1.8.3

But I get the same error with an older version of cdo (1.9.5) on a different computer.

Replies (7)

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

CDO precalculates the legendre polynomials to speed up the spectral transformation. To store this legendre polynomials two fields with the following size are needed:

 (ntr + 1) * (ntr + 2) * nlat / 2

with ntr = 2559 and  nlat = 2560:
 2560 * 2561 * 2560 / 2 = 8391884800 values = 67135078400 bytes

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Christian Zeman almost 6 years ago

Thank you for the response. Is there a way to suppress this precalculation? Speed is not an issue for me, but 67GB will not fit into shared memory on any node I have access to.

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Ralf Mueller almost 6 years ago

in case u have an account at CSCS, there are nodes with 120GM ram (

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

There is not way to suppress this precalculation, sorry.
Unfortunately, we found that the spectral transformation does not work properly with more than 4 million spectral coefficients. We will disable this transformation in the next CDO release, if there are more than 4 million spectral coefficients, since we can not solve this problem.

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Christian Zeman almost 6 years ago

Ok. Just to make sure that I understood it correctly:

With spectral coefficients you mean the time-dependent coefficients of which I have (ntr+1)*(ntr+2) values and in my case it's over 6 million, so I shouldn't use CDO anyway, regardless whether the Legendre polynomials fit in memory or not?

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

Thats correct!

RE: cdo sp2gpl fails - Added by Christian Zeman almost 6 years ago

Ok, thank you for your help.
Kind regards, Christian
