


Wrong values in the grib file converted from netcdf by CDO

Added by Annie Jasmine almost 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

I encountered a problem of wrong values in the grib file "soilt2_cropped.grb" which is converted from the netcdf file "" by CDO. All values in the converted file are 0. The original file, converted file and zaxis file are attached and the CDO command is as below.

cdo -f grb setzaxis,zaxis5_25 -setltype,112 -selname,tsl -setcode,11 -setreftime,2006-01-01,00:00:00,1day -settaxis,2013-09-27,18:00:00,1month soilt2_cropped.grb

Any suggestion to fix this error is much appreciated!

Replies (4)

RE: Wrong values in the grib file converted from netcdf by CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

Your NetCDF data contains missing values which are not registered by the attribute missing_value. Unfortunately the missing values are NaNs, which are not supported by the GRIB library. You can use "setctomiss,nan" to convert the NaNs to the default missing_value:

cdo -f grb setctomiss,nan -setzaxis,zaxis5_25 -setltype,112 -selname,tsl -setcode,11 -setreftime,2006-01-01,00:00:00,1day -settaxis,2013-09-27,18:00:00,1month soilt2_cropped.grb

RE: Wrong values in the grib file converted from netcdf by CDO - Added by Annie Jasmine almost 6 years ago

It works! Thank you so much, Uwe! Could you please show me any documentation about missing_value supported by the GRIB library

RE: Wrong values in the grib file converted from netcdf by CDO - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

Sorry, we don't have any documentation about missing_value supported in our GRIB library.

RE: Wrong values in the grib file converted from netcdf by CDO - Added by Annie Jasmine almost 6 years ago

Uwe Schulzweida wrote:

Sorry, we don't have any documentation about missing_value supported in our GRIB library.

anyway, thank you Uwe!
