


cdo error Assertion `nmiss_ <= 0x7fffffff' failed

Added by Sagar Parajuli almost 6 years ago

I am trying to apply some cdo operators in a large file. I generated the netcdf from arcgis, I think the problem is related to the structure of the file. Can you please help me, what does this error say? My command is:

srun -n 1 cdo -b F64 remapbil,wrfinput_d01 /project/k1090/sagar/Data/ &> cdo_regrid.log

The error is:

cdo: cdf_read.c:615: cdfReadVarSliceDP: Assertion `nmiss_ <= 0x7fffffff' failed.
srun: error: nid00058: task 0: Aborted
srun: Terminating job step 8810522.0

Replies (1)

RE: cdo error Assertion `nmiss_ <= 0x7fffffff' failed - Added by Uwe Schulzweida almost 6 years ago

Large data support (grid size > INT_MAX) was implemented in CDO version 1.9.4. Unfortunately we forgot to remove this check. This problem was fixed in CDO release 1.9.6.
