compressed short type results in _Numeric conversion not representable_
Added by Marco van Hulten almost 6 years ago
I have files with short
variables with offsets and scale factors, so for instance:
short atmco2(time, y, x) ; atmco2:_FillValue = -32768s ; atmco2:valid_range = -32767s, 32767s ; atmco2:actual_range = 278., 278. ; atmco2:scale_factor = 1. ; atmco2:add_offset = 278. ; atmco2:units = "ppm" ; atmco2:long_name = "Atmospheric CO2" ; atmco2:coordinates = "plon plat" ; atmco2:cell_measures = "area: parea" ;
When I try to do
cdo mergetime
on such files, I get the netCDF error Numeric conversion not representable.
How can I handle such variables correctly?
I understand that these short
types are used to save disk space (so it is a compression method), while still having a reasonable precision. I don't mind if my output files from CDO use more space.
Replies (2)
RE: compressed short type results in _Numeric conversion not representable_ - Added by Marco van Hulten almost 6 years ago
With -b 64
the error is not given. I don't know why.
RE: compressed short type results in _Numeric conversion not representable_ - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer almost 6 years ago
Hi Marco,
the use of '-b 32' or '-b 64' convert the variable from type short to type float or double.