


ydaymean output

Added by Alexandros Alevizos about 6 years ago

Hi All

I am having a time series of data of 36 years(1982-2018) merged in one file. I want to compute the climatological daily mean (ydaymean). When I type to see the timesteps with cdo ntime of the output file I get what I was supposed to and also for the dates the same. The thing is that when I type cdo showyear I get 3 years and specifically it gives me written "2018 2016 2018". Any ideas why this is happening even though I was supposed to get one year?
Thank you in advance.

Replies (3)

RE: ydaymean output - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 6 years ago

Hi Alexandros,

how did you merge the time series? Without the command line call and the input data it is hard to help.


RE: ydaymean output - Added by Alexandros Alevizos about 6 years ago

Hi Karin and thank you for the reply.

I had separate files for each year and I merged them together in one file with cdo mergetime.Each file had daily sst for every day of each year starting from 1-1-1982 untill the last year 31-12-2018. When I type cdo showdate they appear to be consistent but when I type showyear I get what I have mentioned to my previous thread the message "2018 2016 2018". And indeed when I plot the time series of the data, in my time axis I get a duration of three years and not one, as I was supposed to, with ydaymean.


RE: ydaymean output - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 6 years ago

It's already answered in

Please, don't do cross-postings!
