


eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average

Added by Zeinab Salah about 6 years ago

Please, I have a two questions about cdo climate indices:
1- In the indices related to precipitation, as eca_pd, does the precipitation amount mean summation of precipitation during every day or the daily average? in my file, there are 8 timesteps, everyone represents precipitation average of 3 hours by kg/m2/sec.
2- is there any way to get the date of the highest precipitation day in every month, in the index eca_rx1day, and also how can I calculate the highest 5 or 10 days every month?

Replies (9)

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Fabian Wachsmann about 6 years ago

Dear Zeinab Salah,

1. eca_pd expects a time series of daily precipitation sum. For your file, it seems to be reasonable to average these time steps and multiply with 8. One requirement for that is that these 8 timesteps cover one day.
2. Unfortunately, the date of highest one day precipitation is not saved with its value in the output file when using eca_rx1day. I am revising all climate index operators and will try to change that behavior.
There is also the operator eca_rx5day for highest 5 day amount however since you are free to provide infiles with a different frequency than daily precipitation amount, you can also use the eca_rx1day operator for other than highest one day precipitation. Just apply runsum over your input time series of precipitation amount with the running window of interest and specify it as input for eca_rx1day.

Best regards,

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Zeinab Salah about 6 years ago

Dear Fabi,
Thank you for your fast response.
my file contains mean of precipitation flux in kg/m2/s every 3 hours, so what I do is:
cdo daysum
and to convert it to mm/day
cdo mulc,3600
cdo eca_pd
Are these steps right?

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Fabian Wachsmann about 6 years ago

Instead of

cdo daysum
cdo mulc,3600
cdo eca_pd

you could also pipe these operators in order to save I/O and you have to add mulc,3:

cdo eca_pd -mulc,3600 -daysum -mulc,3

mulc,3 is necessary since you have 3 hourly averages but you would like to have the three hour sum. I am sorry, I misunderstood that in the first place as well.
Please check that the time stamp of the records are inside the three hours average interval (cdo info gives you time information). So if the value covers the average from 00:00-03:00, the time stamp should be 01:30. Otherwise, if the time stamp is at the end of that interval, the value for 00:00 may be processed for the wrong day.

Best regards,

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Zeinab Salah about 6 years ago

thanks Fabi,
you are right, I miss to multiply 3.
the value of 00:00 includes in the next day, not in the same day.
how can I sum the values of hours : 03,06,09,12,15,21,00, every day?
best regards,

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Zeinab Salah about 6 years ago

I tried to use timselsum to sum every 8 timesteps
cdo timselsum,8,0,8
is it right?

Best regards,

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Fabian Wachsmann about 6 years ago

You could include shifftime to set the correct time values and then proceed with daysum:

cdo eca_pd -mulc,3600 -daysum -mulc,3 -shifttime,-90m

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Ameer Muhammad almost 6 years ago

Hello Zeinab and Fabian,
Please correct me if wrong- you would need to multiply with 86400 rather 3600- isn't it? I am working with a NetCDF file that comes with 3 hours precipitation data with units kg/m2/sec. Likewise Zeinab, I also need to convert this into mm/day. Here is what I am doing- let me know if I am missing something.

cdo daysum
cdo mulc,86400

RE: eca_pd, uses daily precipitation amount summation or daily average - Added by Zeinab Salah almost 6 years ago

Dear Ameer,
My file comes with average 3 hours precipitation data with units kg/m2/sec, as your file, therefore, Fabian told me to multiple with 3 to calculate summation (not average) of precipitation during every 3 hours, and then make daysum to collect all precipitation during the day. When you multiply this value with 3600, you convert it to mm, because you already collect all precipitation during 24 hours.
Hope this help you.
