How to multiply with a constant several variables of a netcdf ?
Added by Natalia L about 6 years ago
I have a NetCDF file ( with 2 float variables "val1" , "val2" and I want to multiply the variables with a constant number e.g. 1000. How I could that in cdo?
when using
cdo -mulc, 1000.
it gives the error
cdo (Abort): Unprocessed Input, could not process all Operators/Files
thank you
Replies (3)
RE: How to multiply with a constant several variables of a netcdf ? - Added by Ralf Mueller about 6 years ago
your call looks correct. Please upload some sample data - it's simply not possible to help without it
RE: How to multiply with a constant several variables of a netcdf ? - Added by Natalia L about 6 years ago
Hi Ralf,
I attach the file. Here, I have one variable named emi_nox. Also, is it possible to change the attribute name ?
thank you!
RE: How to multiply with a constant several variables of a netcdf ? - Added by Uwe Schulzweida about 6 years ago
The syntax is not correct, there is a blank between "mulc," and "1000.". Please remove the blank and try it again:
cdo -mulc,1000.