Statistical function for all records in a grib file
Added by Kevin Havener about 6 years ago
I have files with four 6-hr analyses per day for a month, so ~120 records per month, for all the Januaries (10) in the period of record. Therefore each month file consists of ~1200 records. I would like to calculate monthly statistics (mean, min, max, std) for January, February, .... I cannot figure out from the documentations if there is a math/stats function that iterates over a file so constructed and calculates these parameters, Since this is not strictly a time series, I'm unsure if this is possible from one of the statistical operators which all seem to prefer time series. Timmean and friends seem to do what I want, but the documentation and metadata confuse the issue for me. Are those the right functions to use in this case?
Replies (1)
RE: Statistical function for all records in a grib file - Added by Karin Meier-Fleischer about 6 years ago
Hi Kevin,
you can use the timmean operator to calculate the mean of the 1200 timesteps. The output file will contain one field with the mean values and the time will be set to the middle of all contributing timesteps of the input timesteps.