


remapcon .nc and .nc4

Added by nico sch over 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

i am new to CDO. I am working with cosmso rea 6 data (

I would like to remap this grid (rotated long-lat with a shifted pole) from this file U_100m.2D.201512.nc4 ( to a regular lon-lat grid.

But i am getting this error "cdo remapcon (Abort): Source grid cell corner coordinates missing!
Error (cdf_close): NetCDF: HDF error"

I remaped this File ( , after i converted it to an .nc file) to a regular lon-lat grid.

Replies (1)

RE: remapcon .nc and .nc4 - Added by nico sch over 6 years ago

Here is my outgrid file and a screenshot with the error message. So for ne .nc file the remapping is working but not for the .nc4 file
